
Bitte unterstützen Sie jetzt unsere Initiative mit einer Spende über PayPal!

„>“>Die Initiative #standwithdocumenta feiert die Freiheit der Kunst.

Support the initiative​

Sign the petition

This petition demands that the freedom of art, as enshrined in Article 5 of the Basic Law, continues to be upheld and is not restricted by political or other external influences.

We from the initiative “stand with documenta” are fully committed to this cause!

Support us in protecting this important platform for modern art and maintaining its independence. Please sign this petition now!

In its almost 70-year history, documenta has developed into the world’s most important exhibition of modern art. Every five years, it creates a space for artistic perspectives on the central issues of the global world. This was and is only possible thanks to the complete renunciation of politics from influencing artistic issues and the strict preservation of artistic freedom. It finds its limits exclusively in the law, which is bindingly determined by the courts, not in parliamentary resolutions, not in the opinions of politicians, not in reasons of state and not in enforced voluntary commitments by curators and artists. This is what we are fighting for with all our might!

Bitte unterstützen Sie unsere Kampagne mit einer Spende

Eine Kampagne wie unsere kostet viel Engagement und Geld! Wenn Sie uns auch finanziell unterstützen wollen, dann bieten wir Ihnen zwei Möglichkeiten:

1. Direkte Spende 

Überweisen Sie bequem per PayPal an http://paypal.me/artvanced mit dem Hinweis #standwithdocumenta oder nutzen Sie gleich den QR Code!

2. Spende mit Spendenbescheinigung 

Bitte schreiben Sie uns an contact (at) standwithdocumenta.com und wir melden uns bei Ihnen.
